Several innovations developed in the project EXTEND have been analyzed by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar and published on the European Commission’s Innovation Radar platform: · Semi-injectable micro-devices for distributed neuromuscular stimulation and electromyographic recording (; · Personalized control of wearable robotic exoskeletons via neuromusculoskeletal modelling using EMG signals on […]
4 posts
The 9th edition of the Summer School on Neurorehabilitation (SSNR2019) was jointly organized by the Neural Rehabilitation Group (Cajal Institute – CSIC) and the Imperial College of London. The EXTEND Project was highly represented: Professors Dario Farina (Imperial College of London), Antoni Ivorra (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Asgeir Alexandersson (Össur) […]
Members of the Institute of Philosophy (CSIC) and the Neural Rehabilitation Group (Cajal Institute – CSIC) participated in a Round Table on Neurotechnology – Expectations, Risks and Opportunities that was held at San Telmo Museum (San Sebastian – Spain).